Tuesday 24 May 2011


-kacip fatimah masyhur dalam perubatan melayu dalam merawat wanita selepas bersalin
-pokok pegaga diamalkan selepas bersalin untuk menambah susu badan
-akar-akar kayu dan minuman herbe bukan sahaja mengembalikan kelangsingan tubuh jega untuk membina semula tenaga dalaman yang lesu.


-percaya pada khasiat perawatan tradisonal seperti masker, lulur, mangir, dan bengkoang ataupun sengkuang utuk merawat kulit.
-mangir terdiri daripada kunyit, temulawak, beras dan kemuning, cendana dll untuk membersihkan dan menghaluskan kulit, membuang noda-noda pada kulit dan mengharumkan tubuh.
-sengkuang untuk merawat kelembutan dan kesegaran kulit wanita indonesia juga untuk keputihan kulit.


-mutiara adalah bahan utama dalam pembuatan serbuk mutiara yang bermanfaat kepada perawakan kulit sebagai pelembap dan bahan pencerah kulit.
-maharaja dari dinasti ching juga dipercayai meminumnye dan mempunyai kulit seperti patung porselin pada umur 74tahun.


-sajian teh hijau yang sering diminum sebagai hidangan utama dalam beberapa acara. bek untuk dalam dan kesihatan tubuh. teh hijau mempercepatkan pembakaran kalori dalam badan dan membuatkan wanita jepun kelihatan awet muda.
-masker teh hijau juga membuatkan kulit menjadi halus dan segar.
-rahsia awet muda wanita jepun juga ada kaitan dengan meditasi zen dan urutan shiatsu yang menenangkan fikiran.


-herba pueraria lobata yang memberi kesan keremajaan, kesihatan tubuh dan manopaus kepada mereka yang berusia.
-wanita thai menjadikan daun dan bunga ini sebagai ulam.
-herba ini dikatan melambatakan penuaan dan dan mengahalang perubahan drastik menopaus.


Monday 23 May 2011

recently, I read an article about a man who still does not understand the rules that have been issued. regulations on public transport, which led to foreign parts for women to avoid certain things happen that are not desired. I strongly support this rule because I feel more secure and taken seriously. but still there are some men deliberately entered the women's coach. and there are more rude to let the women stand in their own coaches, while the man was sitting without feeling guilty. My male friends have said that there was among men that women are not accidentally enter the coaches because of race against time. but what about those who sit and let the women stand? There is also a courageous questioning why there are more women who enter into the ordinary coaches. this is women rights. they have their own reasons. probably because the women are using public transport with their families. The woman may not want to enter the women's coaches with their husbands. users need to understand this fact. these men are just looking for mistakes of these women so that they do not look guilty. I therefore urge women to defend our rights!


Saturday 21 May 2011

  1. fine - this is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
  2. five minutes - if she is getting dressed this means half an hour. 5 minutes is only 5 minutes if you have just been given 5 minutes to watch a game before helping around the house.
  3. nothing - this is the calm before the storm. this means something.
  4. go ahead - this is dare not permission. don't do it.
  5. loud sigh - this is act a word but not usually understand by men. it means she think you are an idiot and thinking why she is wasting her times standing here and arguing with you about nothing.
  6. that's okey - one of the most dangerous statement a women can make to a man. thats means she want to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
  7. thanks - a women is thanking do not question or faint, just say welcome. unless she say thank a lot, do not reply with you are welcome. that will bring to a 'whatever'.
  8. whatever - the way of saying f--- you!
  9. dont worry about it, i got it - this is something when women ask man to do thing several times but she is doing herself. this is later result in a man asking ' whats wrong?' . fot the women responsed refer to no3.

if u think high heels are at the high of elegance, you might want to know what long term effects u'll suffer :-

  • lower back pain
  • headaches
  • ingrown toenail
  • knee osteoarthritis - a painful, degenerative joint disease characterized by the breakdown of the cartilage surrounding the knee
  • leg pains
  • inflamed nerves and ligament
  • shortened achilles tendon and calf muscles
tips:-  The best thing to do is to ditch those high heels and wear flats, or alternate every other day between heels and comfy shoes. Your feet, knees, hips and low back will love you for it.


Tuesday 10 May 2011


  1. control diet
  2. use suitable moisturizer
  3. avoid from the rays of the sun (bad uv)
  4. always exercise - 3times a week
  5. drink plenty of water to avoid the symptoms of aging
  6. additional food-vitamins
  7. avoid heavy makeup
  8. positive, cheerful and always with a loved one


Monday 9 May 2011

  1. Brush your hair before washing it. This way you'll remove any dirt from your hair.
  2. Massage your scalp gently massage will boost your circulation.
  3. Shampoo. Nobody can tell you how often you have to shampoo your hair. When you feel your hair is dirty, wash it gentle, with a shampoo that works on your hair. Read the page about how to choose the right shampoo for more.
  4. Always Moisturize your hair
  5. Rinse Best way to rinse your hair is by using vinegar, if possible apple vinegar. Rinsing helps your hair shine.
  6. Water Try to use mildly cold water. Finish, if possible, with cold water, this will close the cuticles.
  7. Drying your hair Let your hair dry naturally. Squeeze the water, and then use a towel to blot your hair. This way you'll have a moisturized, healthy hair.
  8. Hairbrush Do not use a hairbrush until your hair is dry; the wet hair can be easily damaged. Avoid plastic hairbrushes; hair will probably end up in knots
  9. Season, age, sex, food & drink, tobacco, all have a big influence on hair growth. Have a healthy life and you'll have a healthy hair, too
  10. Hair styling Try to avoid curling irons and hair-dryers to prevent hair damage. Also, avoid heat and prolonged exposure to sunlight
p/s :  if you wear a hijab, your hair will not be exposed to dangerous uv. it will prevent your hair from damages.


Products that contain natural ingredients will be better for your skin and less likely to cause a sensitive skin reaction. Try the following remedies for some special sensitive skin care.

  • Use almond or jojoba oil to cleanse your face.
  • Comfrey steeped in water can make a good toner.
  • Make a facial exfoliate by mixing grapefruit with oatmeal.
  • Make a face mask out of fruit.
  • Cucumber and yoghurt also makes a good face mask for sensitive skin.
  • Licorice is a good product for sensitive skin. Look for skin care products that contain licorice.
  • Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help prevent sensitive skin reactions.
  • Aloe Vera can soothe skin that is red, irritated and blotchy. Apply directly to the skin.
Even when using natural products, people with sensitive skin need to be careful. As some sensitive skin reactions are caused by allergies, even organic products may cause an adverse reaction in someone. Check every product on a small area of your skin first, and stop using a product if it seems to be triggering the symptoms associated with sensitive skin.